Sample OKRs for a very early-stage product company

For a very early stage product company with fewer than 5 people, OKRs may not help in collaboration as much as it would in prioritising goals for the company, bringing focus and alignment amongst the founding team. OKRs could be defined more frequently (monthly or once in 2 months) than once in a quarter as very early stage startups tend to evolve rapidly.

Listing down objectives and key results would not only bring greater clarity to the team, but also ensure that the company focus does not change without justification.

Examples of Company OKRs for a very-early stage product company:

Objective 1 - Validate the startup idea

Measurable Key Results:

  1. Prepare a concept note or a slide deck of the idea
  2. Identify and contact 20 relevant subject matter experts in the industry
  3. Talk to 50 potential customers and take their feedback

Objective 2 - Build an MVP

Measurable Key Results:

  1. Create a mockup of the MVP
  2. Finalize the backend architecture of the product and set up database and backend APIs
  3. Develop front-end of the product and integrate it with backend
  4. Test out all the flows of the MVP

Objective 3 - Get actionable feedback on the MVP

Measurable Key Results:

  1. Do a Private Beta with 20 customers
  2. Fix all bugs observed during the Private Beta
  3. Launch Public Beta

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